Tuesday 19 August 2014

Quality in the Arts

Arts Council recently released a report on understanding the value and impacts of cultural experiences which helps us understand how others have asked or considered the question ‘what value do personal experiences of art and culture have for people?’ in the past, and to contribute towards our knowledge in this area. Read the Report

Grundy has partnered with three Blackpool schools (Mereside Primary, Park School and Marton Primary) to deliver a Quality Hubs project funded by Curious Minds. 

We have developed an action research question:
How do we work with schools and families to define the quality and value of arts and arts experiences? (Explored through exhibitions, competitions, events and celebrations.)

We are currently working with Infusion Research and Blackpool Council’s Corporate Development and Research team to develop a survey around quality in the arts which will be send out to all teachers in Blackpool in the new term. The results of this survey will be analysed and form the basis of a report with recommendations on how arts organisations should engage with schools. 

Friday 15 August 2014

50 ways to use a postcard

This is a really useful article by the V&A on all the different uses for art and museum postcards. You can use them to play games, numeracy and literacy tasks, problem solving and of course understanding art in more depth. Start collecting your postcards now!

To read the article click on this link 50 ways to use a postcard