Thursday, 24 March 2011

David Whitaker retrospective at Grundy

We just in the middle of hanging these amazing abstract paintings. They huge in scale and breathtaking in intensity and use of colour.

For a preview of the paintings please visit his website, David Whitaker Paintings

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Next forum meeting

Our next forum meeting will be on Tuesday the 29th of March 2011, from 4-5pm at the Grundy Art Gallery.

Education Officer, Kerry Hunt, will take you on a tour of the new exhibition of large scale, dazzling, optical paintings by artist, David Whitaker. (This exhibition opens on the 28th of March) Click on this link to see examples of his work. David Whitaker paintings

The forum will talk about what activities are possibel around the subject of painting and mark making in class and also linked to a visit to the exhibition. We will also discuss future Grundy projects. Please bring along any issues or problems with the art curriculum that you are facing and any projects you have done which have been particularly successful and you would like to share with the group.

If you would like to attend please email Kerry Hunt on

Orbitecture and schools

Schools have been visiting our current exhibition at Grundy, called Orbitecture.

The groups have been discussing the artworks and debating about politics, ethics, ecology and coming up with their own alternative ways of living and transport.

The exhibition was easily linked to current affairs and tested their knowledge of the recent uprising in the middle east. It also enabled discussion around the idea of being self-sufficent; living without a car, not using a supermarket and isolating one town's economy.

The images above were created by a group in response to a slideshow of work created by artist, Pim Conradi, from the exhibition. Pim builds large scale spherical structures from wood and metal because he is interested in alternative architectural forms. We had a go at building with cocktail sticks and marshmallows! yummy!

Montgomery Drama group also visited the exhibition and created a performance piece as their response to some of the issues raised in the exhibition. They developed a short, polished improvisation about rules and why they are important but also what can happen when people rebel against them.

Grundy created a special blog for this exhibition where you can find out what we got up to and extra resources click here....... Respond2Orbitecture